Klahowya News November 17, 2023 (1)

Klahowya News November 17, 2023
Posted on 11/20/2023
News HeaderNovember 17, 2023



Upcoming Events

  November 14 - District Vocal Jazz Night at Olympic High School 6:30 p.m.

  November 21 - District Band Jazz Night at Olympic High School 6:30 p.m.

  November 22 - Half-Day Conferences

  November 23 & 24 - No School Thanksgiving Holiday

  November 28 - Native American Heritage Night at CK Middle School 6-7 p.m.

  December 6 - Choir Concert 7 p.m.

  December 7 - Steel Pan Drums Concert 6 p.m.

  December 13 - Band Concert 7 p.m.

  December 14 - Orchestra Concert 7 p.m.

  December 19 - American Sign Language Concert 6 p.m.

Principals Message

Hello Klahowya Families and Students, 

Monday during Academy we celebrated our Veterans with an assembly. Many thanks to our guest
speaker, retired Navy Veteran Jim Welsch. Thank you Mr. Welsch for your speech and thank you
for your service Veterans!

This week you received a School Messenger phone message asking you to do a quick survey. We
are looking for your imput and your feedback is very important to us. Here is a link to that survey,
click here.

Next week is a short week. We will be on our regular bell schedule on Monday and Tuesday. Wed-
nesday school is out at 11:00 a.m. The half day schedule is below. Hope you all have a chance to
relax and enjoy time with family and friends this Thanksgiving!


Scott McDaniel Principal

Half Day Schedule  2023-24
(Breakfast served, No Student Lunches)

Period 1  - (30 min)

7:50 - 8:20

Period 2  - (27 min)

8:25 - 8:52

Period 3  - (27 min)

8:57 - 9:24

Period 4  - (27 min)

9:29 - 9:56

Period 5  - (27 min)

10:01 - 10:28

Period 6  - (27 min)

10:33 - 11:00


Attendance/Tardies/Early Dismissals

What are three reasons why attendance is important?

Regular attendance fosters a classroom community between teachers and children. Students who attend school are more likely to succeed academically. Students gain background knowledge from discussions while learning in school and get to socialize with peers!


Absence: Parents/guardian may call, 360-662-4031, the attendance office 24 hours a day to re-
port or excuse students’ absence.  If leaving a message, clearly state your student’s name, your
relationship to the student, date (s) of absence and reason (s) for the absence.  Students may
also give the Attendance Secretary a written note (from parent/guardian) with the same infor-
mation signed by a parent/guardian.  A parent/guardian may also email the Attendance
Secretary: ([email protected]).

We do have a callout system that places a call to the homes of students who have missed 1 or
more classes during the day. This call is placed in the evening. 

MS History Club

Hello Everybody,

Do you like watching Jeopardy and wish you could participate as a Middle Schooler?

Do you have Fridays free since you don't belong to any other clubs or Sports on Fridays?

Do you like hitting things?

If you said yes to any of these questions, then MS History Club is for you! We'll be meeting
in Room 216 from 2:40-3:30 every Friday in December, January, and February. We will be
starting on December 1st. You must sign up on Final Forms if you want to attend any of the


Mr. Witte

Holly Leaf

Holiday Cheer

It’s that time of the year when we begin to think about the up
coming holidays and ways we can celebrate together. Some of
you may be needing help, some of you may know of a family
who needs assistance, and some of you may be wondering how
you can help! We are asking interested families to fill out this
confidential Holiday Cheer Form so we can best come together
and serve our Klahowya families.

AVID "Future Ready" T-Shirts 

AVID "Future Ready" t-shirts are now on sale! Students may purchase them through the book-
keeper's office with cash, card or check. They are $18 and come in a variety of colors and
sizes. Order forms are available through AVID classes, the library or the bookkeeper. 


SSC News

Scholarship Newsletter

Please see this week’s Scholarship Newsletter for information on scholarships, financial aid,
and colleges.


This year’s FAFSA will be open on DEC 31!  Please see the above Scholarship Newsletter for
more information.   

Celebrate Success Class of 2024

We want to congratulate you on the opportunities you are being offered for your life after high
school.  Please fill out this short Google form to let us know of college acceptances, scholarships
awarded, job placements, military service, and other training opportunities.  We are so excited
for your future!

This survey can be filled out more than once as you are accepted to and decide on different

PSAT Scores

PSAT/NMSQT results were distributed last week to students who took the test in October. For more
information about understanding your results refer to the College Board Understanding Scores for
Students and Families.

Yearbooks Are On Sale 

Yearbooks can be purchased at the bookkeeper's window for $50 or by using the link below. 
Priority is given to those who order by December 10, 2023.

To purchase, Go to this URL: https://wa-centralkitsap.intouchreceipting.com/signin.aspx

User Name = Student ID number

Password = Student's last name with the first letter capitalized

After logging in, click on student's name

Click on "Items At Students School & Business Office" (the first link is fewer steps than
the second)

Click on the category "Yearbook"

Click on "Buy", then click on "Checkout" to complete the process.

Senior photos are due no later than January 7, 2024.

Photos can be uploaded using your computer or the Yearbook Snap app (instructions

With your computer, go to www.yearbookforever.com, click on Community Upload, search
for Klahowya, enter our code Eagles, and upload your photo. Choose “Portrait” as the photo
type and enter the requested information to submit. Please submit only one photo.

With your cell phone, download the free Yearbook Snap app from the App Store or Google
Play. Then search for Klahowya, enter our code Eagles, and follow the directions to upload
your photos. Choose “Portrait” as the photo type and enter the requested information to sub-
mit. If no senior portrait is turned in, we will use the school photo taken by the school photo-
grapher. If no photo was captured, students will not appear in the yearbook.

Senior Memory Pages

Senior ads are available on a first come, first serve basis, and should be purchased no later than
January 21, 2024. All submissions for memory pages (photos, text, etc.) will be due February 11,
2024. Any ads purchased but not submitted by this deadline will be forfeited. We understand
these ads are very important to students and parents alike, and the yearbook staff wants to
make them as special as possible for both! However, there are many things to consider. These
ads are to send messages and share memories with graduating students in their final yearbook.
Once your ad is designed, a proof will be sent to you for final approval. You will have five (5)
days to respond with any corrections. Please keep in mind that we may not be able to use all
the photos submitted. Each photo should be atleast 300 dpi or higher to ensure prints are of
the highest quality. Images must also be submitted digitally.
Photos that are deemed unacceptable will not be used. If you have any questions or concerns
feel free to contact the yearbook adviser, Ms. Shaw at [email protected].

Ad prices are as follows: Quarter page is $50, half page is $100, and full page is $150.

To purchase a memory page, go to this URL: 

User Name = Student ID number Password = Student's last name with the first letter capitalized After logging in, click on student's name Click on "Items At Students School"  Click on the category "Yearbook" Click on "Buy", then click on "Checkout" to complete the process.

Class of 2024 Parent Group

You can keep up to date on information & fundraising for Grad Night by making sure you
are signed up in  FINAL FORMS! You’ll find the Class of 2024 under “Activities.” Another
great way is on Facebook by joining Klahowya Class of 2024 Parent Group, click here for
that link.  For Instagram, click here. 
Please share, tell & invite your other ‘24 Senior Parents about Final Forms, Facebook &

Senior Morphs!!! We need your photos for the Senior Morph video that will be unveiled during the Moving
Up Assembly in June. We need four photos from you including a baby photo, an elementary
photo, a middle school photo and a senior photo. It is best if these are in JPG format, but
TIFF and PNG work as well. To have the highest quality morph, make sure your head is
roughly the same size in each picture, you are alone in the photo and it is high quality.
(Typically, these photos should each be larger than 1 MB in size. 2 MB or higher is preferred.)
Make sure you label each photo with your first and last name!!!
This is all due by Friday February 23rd. If you don't submit by then, you run the risk of not
being in the Senior Morph Video. Click on this link.



High School Athletics

Tickets for Friday and Saturdays State Girls Soccer are on sale.  Click this link to be directed to
ticket center https://gofan.co/app/school/WIAA?activity=Soccer

You can purchase tickets for 1 day or for both.  Make sure to read which ticket you are purchas-
ing. WIAA 1A, 2A State Girls Soccer is the correct title.  Please click the link to see the prices for

Klahowya will play La Center at 7pm on Friday 11/17 @ Mt Tahoma.  Winning will put us in the
Championship bracket at 5pm on Saturday 11/18 @ Mt Tahoma.  The consolation (3rd 4th place) 
game will be at 1pm on Saturday at Mt Tahoma.  We will know which time once we play on Friday.

Congratulations to our Nisqually league honorees

Boys Tennis

1st Team- Doubles- Carson Langguth and Camden Dickey

2nd Team-Singles Eli Kraft

Honorable Mentions- Aiden Michael and Ulysses Williams


1st Team- Lexie Scott

Honorable Mentions- Elise Hantleman, Danika Francis, and Abbie Diehl

Girls Soccer

Sportsmanship Award- Klahowya

Defensive Player of the Year- Ali Divano

1st Team- Amira Lyons, Addyson Dickey, Kelsey Clark

2nd Team- Bailey Watland, Raven Stoner

Cross Country

Sportsmanship Award- Klahowya

1st Team- Natalie Oathout, and Ella Salo

2nd Team- Samantha Schofield, Amelia Mayes, Jordan Clark, and Carson Wintch


Offensive Player of the Year- Jackson Kealoha

Defensive Player of the Year- Carson Moore

Offensive 1st Team- Carson Moore, Grant Solvie, and Franklin Morgan

Defensive 1st Team- Franklin Morgan, Nate West, 

Offensive 2nd Team- Drew Franklin

Defensive 2nd Team- RJ Cottingham

Special Teams 2nd Team- Carson Moore

Honorable Mentions- Corbyn Killoran, Nate West, and Grant Solvie