Klahowya News November 3, 2023

Klahowya News November 3, 2023
Posted on 11/07/2023
News Header Upcoming Events


  November 10 - No School Veterans Day 

  November 13 - Veterans Day Assembly During Academy 10:40 a.m.

  November 22 - Half-Day Conferences

  November 23 & 24 - No School Thanksgiving Holiday

  November 28 - Native American Heritage Night at CK Middle School 6-7 p.m.


Principals Message

Hello Klahowya Families and Students, 

This Week has been exciting for our students! We saw lots of great costumes this week on Tuesday and have also seen lots of candy and smiles from our students! We are so appreciative to have such a connected school community. 

Today we started the school day by sending our High School Cross Country team off to the State Competition. Congratulations to all Klahowya runners and we wish you good luck! Just like this morning.... we hope you RUN FAST!

Over the next few days some High School Sports will conclude and we likely will have several sports enter District and State competitions. Congratulations to all athletes on a great season and to all of our athletes in upcoming competitions! For District and State tournament games, we will do our best to post game details and ticket purchasing links on our the Klahowya School Website and on our Facebook page. If you have time in the next few days, please consider attending one of these events to support Klahowya Athletes. High School football has a home game this evening at 6:30pm with senior night activities beginning around 5:30-5:45 pm. (If you are attending the game, please note that spectators will be expected to remain in the stands and near the concession area. The hillside will not be open for younger students to play on.) Also.... Klahowya is excited to host the District 3 High School Volleyball tournament tomorrow on Saturday 11/4. Please come support Klahowya as they battle for a state playoff position at 1pm. Ticket details can be found on our website.  

As a reminder, there is no school on Friday, Nov. 10th in honor of Veterans Day. During the week of 11/6-11/9 we will feature pictures of family members who served (or are currently serving) in the armed forces. If you have a picture you would like to submit, please have your student submit this to their "Class Of" Google Classroom. Additionally, we will honor Veterans Day with a whole school assembly during Academy on Monday the 13th of November. If you are a service member or family member interested in attending, please contact the main office at 360-662-4000 by Thursday 11/9 so that we can ensure that we have seating reserved for you. 


Scott McDaniel Principal

Attendance/Tardies/Early Dismissals

Early Dismissal:

Send a note with your student stating the time of dismissal, reason and name of person who will be picking up student. Student should, when possible, arrange for dismissal through the Attendance Office before school starts.  Otherwise, we ask for at LEAST 30 minutes notice.  This will avoid trying to track down a student that might be at lunch, an assembly and/or outside for PE.

Absence: Parents/guardian may call, 360-662-4031, the attendance office 24 hours a day to report or excuse students’ absence.  If leaving a message, clearly state your student’s name, your relationship to the student, date (s) of absence and reason (s) for the absence.  Students may also give the Attendance Secretary a written note (from parent/guardian) with the same information signed by a parent/guardian.  A parent/guardian may also email the Attendance Secretary: ([email protected]).

We do have a callout system that places a call to the homes of students who have missed 1 or more classes during the day. This call is placed in the evening. 

Who is Attendance Works?

Attendance Works is an organization that takes a data-driven, comprehensive approach that begins with engaging students and families as well as preventing absences from adding up before they fall behind academically. The key is using chronic absence data as a diagnostic tool to identify where prevention and early intervention are needed.

Attention Middle School and High School Athletes and Families 

As our Fall Season is coming to an end, please make sure ALL uniform pieces have been returned to coaches. If a student athlete has an outstanding uniform fine on their account from this fall season or from a previous season, they will not be cleared to participate in their next sport. If you have any questions or would like to check the status of your account, please contact the bookkeeper or the coach of your specific sport. Thank you for returning your sports gear in a timely manner. We are looking forward to a great Winter Season and don't want any barriers to participation. Go Eagles!!!

Middle School Off Season Conditioning

Do you like to walk, jog, or run?  Do you like to spend time outside, on trails?  Then sign up for Middle School Off Season Conditioning.   We will meet every Wednesday to spend time on the beautiful trails surrounding our school, November 8-March 6, between 3 PM and 4 PM.  All paces are welcome!  Unlike a regular sports season, students are welcome to come every week, a couple of times a month, or before or after their Winter Sports season.  To sign up, go to Final Forms under Winter 1. While Off Season Conditioning is open to Middle School athletes, we are also looking for some High School Managers.   If you have any questions, contact Coach Leigh at [email protected]

SSC News

Scholarship Newsletter

Please see this week’s Scholarship Newsletter for information on scholarships, financial aid, and colleges.

Linder Grants Due 29 NOV

The Paul Linder Educational Foundation provides grants designed to fund training for students and staff or to purchase unique equipment and materials to expand learning in the classroom.  All students and staff are eligible to apply! The grant writing process can be a wonderful lesson for students.

Student Grant Application (for CKSD students)

Staff Grant Application (open to all CKSD staff members)

World Language Proficiency Test Register by 10 NOV

Can you fluently read, write, speak, and listen in a language other than English?

Registration:  Google Form

World Language Proficiency Test Flyer

World Language Proficiency Test Flyer (Spanish)

World Language Proficiency Test Flyer (Japanese)

Fall College Visits

Juniors and Seniors, please sign up in your Class Google classroom.

NOV 15 Gonzaga University

Klahowya Family Conference Workshops

If you missed the Klahowya Family Conference Workshops or just want further information on a variety of topics to help create successful students please click the following link.

Klahowya Family Conference Workshops Info

Holiday Cheer

It’s that time of the year when we begin to think about the upcoming holidays and ways we can celebrate together. Some of you may be needing assistance, some of you may know of a family who needs assistance, and some of you may be wondering how you can help! We are asking interested families to fill out this confidential Holiday Cheer Form so we can best come together and serve our Klahowya families.

Senior Yearbook Information

Senior photos are due no later thatn January 7, 2024.

Photos can be uploaded using your computer or the Yearbook Snap app (instructions below).

With your computer, go to www.yearbookforever.com, click on Community Upload, search for Klahowya, enter our code Eagles, and upload your photo. Choose “Portrait” as the photo type and enter the requested information to submit. Please submit only one photo.

With your cell phone, download the free Yearbook Snap app from the App Store or Google Play. Then search for Klahowya, enter our code Eagles, and follow the directions to upload your photos. Choose “Portrait” as the photo type and enter the requested information to submit. If no senior portrait is turned in, we will use the school photo taken by the school photographer. If no photo was captured, students will not appear in the yearbook.

Senior Memory Pages

Senior ads are available on a first come, first serve basis, and should be purchased no later than January 21, 2024. All submissions for memory pages (photos, text, etc.) will be due February 11, 2024. Any ads purchased but not submitted by this deadline will be forfeited. We understand these ads are very important to students and parents alike, and the yearbook staff wants to make them as special as possible for both! However, there are many things to consider. These ads are to send messages and share memories with graduating students in their final yearbook. Once your ad is designed, a proof will be sent to you for final approval. You will have five (5) days to respond with any corrections. Please keep in mind that we may not be able to use all the photos submitted. Each photo should be at least 300 dpi or higher to ensure prints are of the highest quality. Images must also be submitted digitally. Photos that are deemed unacceptable will not be used. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact the yearbook adviser, Ms. Shaw at [email protected].

Ad prices are as follows: Quarter page is $50, half page is $100, and full page is $150.

To purchase a memory page, go to this URL: https://wa-centralkitsap.intouchreceipting.com/signin.aspx

User Name = Student ID number Password = Student's last name with the first letter capitalized After logging in, click on student's name Click on "Items At Students School"  Click on the category "Yearbook" Click on "Buy", then click on "Checkout" to complete the process.

KSS PTSA Reflections

It is that time of year again for the KSS PTSA Reflections Program.. This year's theme is "I AM HOPEFUL BECAUSE..." The deadline is Friday, November 17, 2023 and entries can be turned into the KSS Front Office. Click here for the entry packet.

Categories: Special Artist, Photography, Visual Arts, Music Composition, Literature, File Production and Dance Choreography. For official rules and student entry form can be found by clicking here.  If students have any questions they can contact KSS PTSA at [email protected].

Class of 2024 Parent Group

You can keep up to date on information & fundraising for Grad Night by making sure you are signed up in FINAL FORMS! You’ll find the Class of 2024 under “Activities.” Another great way is on Facebook by joining Klahowya Class of 2024 Parent Group, click here for that link. We have a couple of great upcoming KSS Booster fundraisers to save the date for with more in the works throughout the year. 

  • Friday, November 17th at 6 pm is Comedy Night at the Cloverleaf. 

For Instagram, click here. Please share, tell & invite your other ‘24 Senior Parents about Final Forms, Facebook & Instagram! 

Senior Morphs!!! It's that time of year! We need your photos for the Senior Morph video that will be unveiled during the Moving Up Assembly in June. We need four photos from you. A baby photo, an elementary photo, a middle school photo and a senior photo. It is best if these are in JPG format, but TIFF and PNG work as well. To have the highest quality morph, make sure your head is roughly the same size in each picture, you are alone in the photo and it is high quality. (Typically, these photos should each be larger than 1 MB in size. 2 MB or higher is preferred.) Make sure you label each photo with your first and last name!!! This is all due by Friday February 23rd. If you don't submit by then, you run the risk of not being in the Senior Morph Video. Click on this link. 

Cooking and Community Club Cooking and Community Club meets on Wednesdays weekly. See Mr. Lindberg or Mrs. Steedman for more details. All grades are welcome to join. Please sign up on Final Forms. We hope to see you there. 

High School Athletics

October HS Athletes of the Month

Carson Langguth- Boys Tennis

Kaiya Pasternak- Girls Swim

Congratulations to the Boys Tennis team for winning the Nisqually league Title AND 

The West Central District III title.  What an amazing season these young men have had.  

Congratulations to Girls Soccer for winning the West Central District III Championship.  We are moving on to the State tournament next week.  Schedule will be released on Monday Nov 6.

Congratulations to our Volleyball team for making it to the West Central District III tournament.  We will play Cascade Christian Saturday Nov 4 at 1 pm.  Tickets for the tournament are $8 for adults and $5 for Seniors, Military, and students with ASB.  Children under 5 are free.  Please purchase tickets using this link https://gofan.co/event/1210443?schoolId=WA71989

Good Luck to our Cross-Country runners participating in the State tournament this weekend in Pasco.  If you would like to watch the race, please visit WIAA.com 

Good Luck to Girls Swim at the District swim meet this weekend.

We have had an amazing season.  Next up Winter Sports starting on Nov 13th.