We are committed to a safe and civil learning environment for all students, staff, volunteers and families. Bullying is not OK in our schools.
We teach bullying prevention in our schools. We train our staff to recognize and respond. Our district policies prohibit intimidation, bullying and harassment of all kinds.
We also encourage you to help us by reporting bullying as soon as possible.
You may report bullying to our principal or assistant principals or to the district office of Teaching and Learning.
What Is Considered Bullying?
Bullying is about power. A single instance of name-calling or roughhousing is not acceptable, but it may not necessarily be bullying. Bullying happens when one person uses strength, popularity or another form of power to control or hurt others. It often happens repeatedly.
Bullying can come in many forms. It can range from hitting to spreading harmful rumors in person or online. It can involve teasing, threatening or intentionally excluding a child. Both girls and boys bully.
Bullying includes actions that:
- Physically harm a student or damage the student’s property
- Substantially interfere with a student’s education
- Are so severe, persistent or pervasive that they create an intimidating or threatening educational environment
- Substantially disrupt the orderly operation of the school
There may be many reasons for bullying. Among other things, it may be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability, physical appearance, clothing, socioeconomic status or weight.
What to Do About Bullying
We teach our students to recognize, report and refuse bullying. At home, you can help by listening to your child and being supportive. Praise them for talking about bullying and reporting it.
Report it.
When you recognize bullying, talk to a teacher or school counselor as soon as possible. Try to give as many details as you can. Give the names of other students involved, dates and the locations where any bullying actions took place.
If the bullying continues, talk with your school’s principal.
Refuse it.
Encourage your child to refuse to be bullied. Suggest that your child:
- Be confident and stand tall and straight.
- Face the person you’re refusing.
- Use a strong voice. Be respectful. Tell the bully that the behavior bothers you and to stop it.
If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to talk with a school counselor, principal or any leader in our district.
Consequences for Bullying
We take bullying seriously. We will take action if your child reports being bullied. We base consequences on severity and frequency of the behavior. Our goal is to restore a positive climate, support victims and others affected by the bullying.