Educational Equity benefits our Students,
our Staff and our entire Community
At KSS we believe that:
- Every student has the Potential to Achieve
- Every student has the Right to be Affirmed and Supported to meet her or his highest potential
- Every student has the Right to an Equitable Educational Experience
At KSS we expect students to commit to the following:
- Reflecting on your own identity, experiences and perspectives
- Advocating for issues about which you are passionate
- Listening to understand each other’s perspectives, recognizing that listening does not constitute agreement
- Engaging in informed, thoughtful and respectful dialogue
The concept of Educational Equity goes beyond formal equality (where all students are treated the same) to fostering a barrier-free environment where all students have the opportunity to benefit equally.
Do you see an inequity at KSS or within the Central Kitsap School District?
If so, please take some time to fill out the Equity Inquiry Form. Hard copies are also available at the Main Entrance.
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