Bus Routes

Bus DriverWe provide bus service to students who live more than a mile from their neighborhood school and students with special needs. We do not normally provide transportation to students who live outside of their normal school boundaries.

Please note that general education students do not need to register with transportation to ride a bus.

To find your child's bus stop:

For more information:

🚏 Changing Stops

A student should get on and off their bus at the same assigned stop each day. To keep students safe, state law requires school bus drivers to allow students to get on and off buses only at their assigned stops or schools.

If your child needs to get off at a different stop, you must make arrangements with the school's main office. For example, your child may need to get off at a different stop for after-school child care. Your school office will coordinate with the transportation department.

πŸ—ΊοΈ How We Make Routes

If you cannot find your route, please call the transportation department at 360-662-8800.

We check traffic patterns, lighting, the amount of space on road shoulders and other criteria to find safe bus stop locations. We do not stop at businesses. We follow state law and only provide transportation from home to school and back.

Please be patient as bus routes settle during the first few weeks of school. We adjust routes and times as the number of students on our buses change. Families sometimes choose to start or stop riding the bus after the school year starts.