Academy is a 30-minute segment of time within the school day to provide students additional time and support to improve their learning. It is a time to get help from a teacher or to complete homework.
Students are assigned to a teacher just like any other class in their schedule. As the semester progresses, students may need additional help from a teacher who is not their Academy teacher. Students may work with another teacher after receiving the proper permission from BOTH teachers. For instance, if Sally is having difficulty in math but is assigned to her history teacher for Academy, then Sally will have a conversation with her math teacher and that teacher will give Sally a pass to give to her math for that day only.
Students may also request a pass to go to the Library for Academy.
High school students who complete at least 3 of the 5 assigned Academy lessons will receive 0.125 credit for the semester. This gives high school students the opportunity to gain 1 full credit during academy over 4 years in high school. Lessons are found in Class Link | Suite360. All High School students will earn a grade of either P or I for their Academy class based on lesson completion.
If you have any questions, please check with your Academy teacher.